Ayurvedic Remedies for Glowing Skin

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Ayurvedic Remedies for Glowing Skin
KayaWell Expert

Ayurvedic remedies are the best way to acquire beautiful and glowing skin. These remedies work by making you healthy from inside i.e. by maintaining healthy nutrition and care. Your health determines the condition of your skin. If your health is in bad condition then you will have dull and pale skin while if you are healthy then you will have glowing and beautiful skin. According to ayurveda, skin ailments are due to the imbalance of dosha. Change in weather, air pollutants, lack of sleep and stress are amongst the other culprits for dull skin.

Eat according to Your Dosha

Ayurveda recognises three different type of dosha for different skin types and suggests different treatments for them.

Vatta: Vata leads to the skin becoming rough, thin, dry, delicate with fine pores, and flaky and cool to touch. Vata skin type is prone to early wrinkles and loss of elasticity. If you have vata skin then:

Protect your skin from cold and windy weather.

Start your day with a glass of warm water mixed with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon.

Take vata specific diet. For instance, include leafy vegetables and whole grains.

Stay hydrated.

Since vata skin type is delicate, use gentle skin care products.

Pitta: If you have the predominance of pitta on your constitution, you are more likely to experience heat imbalance. Pigment disorders, acne, heated rashes, and rosacea are the common complaints. If you have pitta skin then:

Avoid oily and spicy food.

Stay hydrated. Drink a lot of water, aloe vera juice and rose water.

Use natural skin care products. Rose is good for people with pitta dosha.

Consume cooling fruits such as blue berries, melons and coconut.

Kapha: Kapha skin is most tolerant of all the three skin types. But an imbalance can make kapha skin greasy with large pores and blackheads. If you have kapha skin then:

You must regularly get facials done to remove accumulated toxins.

Exfoliate your skin with a facial mask on a weekly basis.

Eat organic vegetables and pungent spices to stoke the digestive fire. For instance, black pepper and ginger.


Ayurvedic remedies for glowing skin

Ayurvedic herbs such as castor, aloe vera and jojoba moisturise your skin and restore its good health.

Never exclude green vegetables from your diet.

If your skin is dry then a massage with warm essential oils will work wonderfully.

Ayurvedic experts suggest that sleep of seven hours is a must for glowing skin.

Add seeds and nuts to your diet such as almonds, flax seeds and sunflower seeds. They are a rich source of omega- 3 (healthy fat) fatty acids.

Meditation and other relaxation techniques that require deep breathing also promote glowing skin.

