- From: Sunday 15 July 2018
- To: Saturday 15 September 2018
If you have any Dental Problem, KayaWell Expert Dr. Nitika Jain is providing free dental consultation for KayaWell users.
Every First Saturday of Month
It increase immunity power of body and vitality of organ . It help to make a body and mind sound.
Symptoms :
Diseases & Conditions : Constipation, Allergic Rhinitis, Dark Circles Eyes, Anal Itching, Anxiety, Abdominal pain, Asthma, Back Ache, Back pain, Beautiful Skin, Acid Reflux, Acidity, Boils, Acne
Age Community 20 to 50 years
Allergies are among the most common chronic conditions worldwide. Allergy symptoms range from making you miserable to putting you at risk fo ....
Symptoms :
Diseases & Conditions : Allergies
Age Community 15 to 60 years
Hair loss is the thinning of hair on the scalp. The medical term for hair loss is alopecia. Alopecia can be temporary or permanent. The most ....
Symptoms : Appendicitis
Diseases & Conditions : Hair Loss
Age Community 30 to 45 years
A cold sore is a fluid-filled blister which usually appears at the edge of the lips. Cold sores are caused by a herpes simplex virus infecti ....
Symptoms : Birth Control (Natural Herbs)
Diseases & Conditions : Cold Sores
Age Community 10 to 55 years
A tension headache is the most common type of headache. It can cause mild, moderate, or intense pain in your head, neck, and behind your eye ....
Symptoms : Armpit Lumps
Diseases & Conditions : Headache
Age Community 15 to 55 years
Fungal infections are infections caused by fungi, organisms of the kingdom Fungi, that includes yeasts, molds, and mushrooms.
Symptoms : Autism Spectrum
Diseases & Conditions : Fungal Infections
Age Community 15 to 55 years
Cholesterol is a waxy substance made by the liver and also acquired through diet. It is found in the blood and in all cells in the body. The ....
Symptoms : Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Diseases & Conditions : Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Age Community 10 to 50 years
Excessive or unusual pain and discomfort felt in the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Muscle pain can be chronic (persistent and long ....
Symptoms : Bed Bug Bites
Diseases & Conditions : Muscle Pain
Age Community 15 to 45 years
Hip pain is the sensation of discomfort in or around the hip joint, where the upper end (head) of the thigh bone (femur) fits into the socke ....
Symptoms : Acid Reflux
Diseases & Conditions : Back pain
Age Community 20 to 50 years
The most common cause of a toothache is a dental cavity. The second most common is gum disease. Toothache can be caused by a problem that do ....
Symptoms :
Diseases & Conditions : Teeth and Gums (Strong)
Age Community 10 to 45 years