Obesity – Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a complicated health condition Obesity is a complicate problem involving an extra amount of body fat. Obesity is not just a cosmetic concern. But it is a medical problem that exceeds your risk of other diseases and health issues, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and cancers because carrying too much weight can have a variety of health consequences, like higher risk for diabetes, heart disease etc. In others, word obesity is an excess of body fat. Obesity occurs when you eat more calories and obesity is also known as weight gain.it can shorten your whole life.it can increase people’s risk of diseases and health issues. In the United States, about 42% of adults are having obesity

There are many reasons why some people have difficulty avoiding obesity. Usually, obesity results from a combination of inherited factors, combined with the environment and personal diet and exercise choices.

The good news is that even modest weight loss can improve or prevent the health problems associated with obesity. Dietary changes, increased physical activity and behaviour changes can help you lose weight. Prescription medications and weight-loss procedures are additional options for treating obesity.


Obesity is diagnosed when your body mass index (BMI) is 30 or higher. To calculate your body mass index, divide your weight in pounds by your height in inches squared and multiply by 705. Or divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.

For most people, BMI provides a reasonable estimate of body fat. However, BMI doesn’t directly measure body fat, so some people, such as muscular athletes, may have a BMI in the obesity category even though they don’t have excess body fat.

If you are obese, you may have sleeping trouble, sleep apnea (difficulties in breathing) and gallstone.

What causes obesity?

The main reason for obese is eating more calories. Common specific causes of obesity include:

  • Eating a poor diet of foods which is high in fats and calories (unhealthy diet).
  • Having an inactive lifestyle.
  • Not enough sleeping.
  • Too much little activity.
  • Consuming too many calories.
  • pregnancy (weight gained during the pregnancy is difficult to lose and may which can lead to obesity)

When to see a doctor?

If you are worried and concerned about weight-related health issues, ask your doctor about its management. You and your doctor can evaluate your health risks and discuss your weight-loss options. And also call your doctor if you have any of the symptoms of it. And if you are not successful at losing weight on your own.


If you are at risk of obesity, currently overweight, you can take steps to prevent unhealthy weight gain and related health problems. Not surprisingly, the steps to prevent weight gain are the same as the steps to lose weight: daily exercise, a healthy diet, and a long-term commitment to watch what you eat and drink. 30 minutes of aerobic activity for five days in a week will make a huge difference in your heal

If you are obese and want to prevent this then you have to maintain a healthy body, and eat a well-balanced diet regularly. And also consume fewer calories as much as possible and increase your daily activity time

 Prevent weight gain. Moderately intense physical activities include fast walking and swimming. And also check how many calories you burn on a daily basis. Walk on a daily basis as much you can do.

Follow a healthy-eating plan. Focus on low-calorie, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid sweets, saturated fat and alcohol. Eat 3 regular meals in a day with limited snacking.

Monitor your weight regularly. Weigh yourself regularly because People who weigh themselves at least once a week are more successful in keeping weight control. This can tell you whether your efforts are working and or not can help you detect small weight gains before they become a big issue.

Be consistent. Sticking to your healthy-weight plan during the week, on the weekends as much as possible increases your chances of long-term success.

Set specific goals. To avoid obesity set some realistic goals for weight-loss and exercise, such as having a salad in dinner and walk for 30 minutes in the evening after having dinner.


People with obesity are more likely to develop serious health problems, including:

  • Heart disease and strokes: Obesity makes you more likely to have high blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol levels, which are risk factors for heart disease and strokes.
  • Certain cancers: Obesity may excess your risk of cancer of the uterus, cervix, endometrium, ovary, breast, colon, rectum, pancreas, kidney and prostate.
  • Digestive problems: Obesity excessed digestive and liver problems.
  • Gynecological and sexual problems: Obesity may cause irregularity in periods in women. Obesity also can cause erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Sleep apnea: People who have obesity have sleep apnea which is the temporary stoppage of breathing during sleep.
  • Foods which tends to exceed the risk of obesity include:
  • Fast foods like noodles, pasta etc.
  • Extra (over) dairy products like milkmaid, cream etc.
  • foods with extra sugar, such as sweets, pancakes and cookies
  • Foods containing hidden sugars, such as cold drinks and many other packages food.
  • Sweetened juices, sodas, and alcoholic drinks.

Some processed food products contain syrup as a sweetener, including savory items, such as cold drinks.

Too much eating of the above foods and doing too little activity will result in obesity.

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