Health Benefits of Alfalfa Sprouts

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Health Benefits of Alfalfa Sprouts
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Health Benefits of Alfalfa Sprouts

The sprouts, or young seedlings, of the alfalfa plant are associated with several potential health benefits. Although adult alfalfa plants are too coarse and bitter to eat, alfalfa sprouts are tender and appropriate for use in salads, sandwiches and soups. When used appropriately and in moderation, alfalfa sprouts can be a healthy component of a balanced diet. Consult your health care provider before eating alfalfa sprouts on an ongoing or excessive basis, particularly if you have a medical condition or take medication.

Benefit of Alfalfa Sprouts

#1. Dietary Fiber

According to NutritionData, a service of Self magazine, alfalfa sprouts are a good source of dietary fiber. Each 33-gram serving of alfalfa sprouts provides one gram of fiber, or three percent of an average adult's necessary intake. For this reason, alfalfa sprouts may be a suitable food for people suffering from chronic constipation, diverticulitis or other digestive upsets.

#2. Treats Menopause & Menstruation Irregularities

The high levels of vitamin K and phytoestrogens in alfalfa sprouts make them ideal for women as they balance estrogen levels to reduce hormone-related symptoms of menopause like mood swings. Vitamin K also has blood-clotting properties, which is why it can curb excessive bleeding.

#3. Breast Milk Production

Alfalfa is regarded as a plant-based galactagogue, meaning it can stimulate breast milk production. Alfalfa is, in fact, one of the most popular traditional medicines used as a galactagogue alongside black seed (Nigella sativa) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum).

#4. Weight Loss

Alfalfa sprouts contain only 8 calories per serving, making this crunchy food an ideal choice for people who are trying to lose weight. Self magazine grants alfalfa sprout a five-star rating as a weight loss aid, noting that it is low in calories, sugar, fat and saturated fat. Additionally, because alfalfa sprouts are rich in fiber and protein, they may help to facilitate sensations of fullness for people who tend to overeat.

#5. Heart Health

According to the National Institutes of Health, compounds in alfalfa may help to prevent atherosclerosis, a serious cardiovascular disease associated with cholesterol plaque in the arteries of the heart. The NIH acknowledges limited scientific evidence of this health benefit, but notes that no large-scale human studies have conclusively demonstrated its effects. Additionally, the NIH reports that alfalfa can reduce both total and LDL, or "bad," cholesterol. Consult your health care provider before using alfalfa sprouts to treat any medical condition.

#6. Diabetes

The NIH regards alfalfa as a possible but unproven treatment for diabetes. The NIH reports small reductions in blood sugar in animals who eat alfalfa. Although evidence is limited, alfalfa sprouts may be a healthy food for controlling blood sugar fluctuations in people with diabetes. According to Nutrition Data, alfalfa is associated with no glycemic load and will not increase a person's blood sugar.

#7. Alfalfa sprouts can help you build strong bones.

The vitamin K found in alfalfa sprouts acts as a modifier of bone matrix proteins, improves calcium absorption, preventing bone loss and osteoporosis.

#8. Alfalfa sprouts are helpful for pregnant women and their babies.

Alfalfa Sprouts are a good source of the B-vitamin complex, such as folate. Folate has shown to help in neural tube formation and red blood cell formation in prenatal babies. A deficiency of folic acid in pregnant women can lead to the birth of underweight infants and may also result in neural tube defects in newborns.

#9. Skin health

Chlorophyll is a green pigment which provides color to alfalfa. It is a powerful substance required for healing and cleansing properties. It is able to detoxify body and eliminate impurities from pollution. It also helps to counteract infection. Alfalfa sprouts helps to break down carbon dioxide and halt reproduction of anaerobic bacteria. Moreover, alfalfa sprouts have high content of vitamin A and enzymes required to improve skin complexion. It also hydrates dry skin and makes it smooth. Dry skin has become the common skin problem these days. Daily intake of nutrients helps to maintain and construct skin to keep it radiant and healthy.

#10. Eliminates LDL cholesterol

Alfalfa sprouts helps in eliminating bad cholesterol from the body. It possess high amount of saponin which is a plant compound notable for reducing LDL cholesterol levels and improves HDL cholesterol levels.

