Dark Elbows and Knees

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Dark Elbows and Knees

Have you ever noticed how the skin on your elbows and knees is often darker than the rest of the skin on your arms and legs? It's a bit funny-looking, isn't it? Some people think it's the result of dirt (and sometimes it is), but you'd be surprised to find that dirt often has nothing to do with the dark spots on your elbows and knees.

Friction -- The human body is designed to adapt and protect itself. If there is a lot of friction in a certain part of your body, your skin will often grow extra thick to reduce the risk of damage to the sensitive lower layers of the dermis. The outer layer of skin grows thick and hard, and the dead skin cells build up. Those dead skin cells look darker than your healthy, alive skin, hence the dark spots.

Sunlight -- Did you know that dead skin cells can still absorb sunlight? However, the fact that they're not alive means that they will have a darker, "dead" appearance than healthy cells. When the dead skin cells build up on your elbows and knees, exposure to sunlight will cause them to darken, giving you those dark spots.

Dirt -- Yes, it may be hard to hear it, but dirt can be a major cause of the dark spots on your elbows and knees. When you shower, it's harder to reach these parts of your body, so you may not do as good a job of washing off dirt and grime. Dirt particles can build up over time, and may be absorbed into the layers of dead skin cells that grow to protect your elbows and knees from friction. It will "stain" the dead skin cells, making them look darker than the rest of your skin.

Genetics -- Your body may be working against you! Certain people are genetically predisposed to developing these dark spots on their bodies, especially those with darker skin color. If you have dark skin, you have to be extra careful to avoid dark spots.

Dry Skin -- When your skin doesn't get enough skin oil, it is exposed to pollutants in the air. The skin also tends to dry out, leading to an increased cellular decay rate. Dry skin can cause your skin cells to die off more quickly, causing the dark spots to form more quickly as well.
Lemon Juice
Worried about your knees looking dirty when bikini season rolls around? During the spring, try this simple remedy:
Slice a lemon in half.
Squeeze a bit of juice from the lemon to form a "depression" in the half.
Press the lemon against the knee or elbow with dark spots. Let the juice soak into your skin, and discard the lemon.
DO NOT wash your elbows/knees for up to 3 hours after applying the lemon juice.
Easy as pie, right? Lemons contain natural bleaching agents that will help to eliminate the color from the dark skin around your knees and elbows. It will also help to kill off any germs or bacteria, and will begin the process of making the dark spots fade. Do this for a few weeks, and you'll soon see how the skin around your elbows and knees lightens. Or get this lemon juice to keep it at home whenever you need it.

Turmeric is so much more than just a spice to make your food delicious! It's loaded with amazing chemicals and compounds that can do wonders for your health. We recommend this type of organic turmeric. One of its best applications is like a skin toner and bleaching agent for your elbow/knee skin:
Mix a teaspoon of turmeric with a bit of gram flour and a tablespoon of yogurt or heavy cream.
Using your fingers, apply the thick yellow paste to the skin you want to lighten.
20 minutes after application, rinse the paste from your skin using warm water. Gently scrub your elbows to maximize the cleaning/lightening effect of the turmeric.
Warning: The turmeric mixture may stain your elbow/knee skin if left on for too long. Even if you wash it off after just 20 minutes, there may be some yellowing of your skin. Don't worry! It will disappear after a few days.
Repeat this application every 2 or 3 days--no more than three times per week. After just a couple of weeks, the results will be noticeable.

Dark Elbows and Knees
