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Stomach queasiness, the urge to vomit. Nausea can be brought on by many causes, including systemic illnesses (such as influenza), medications, pain, and inner ear disease.

Nausea is an unpleasant although usually painless symptom.

The most common symptom that occurs with nausea is vomiting. Symptoms that are also associated with nausea include dizziness, faintness, dry mouth, diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, and decreased urination.

Serous symptoms that may accompany nausea include chest pain, confusion, lethargy, rapid pulse, breathing difficulty, excessive sweating, and fainting.

Treatment for nausea depends on the underlying cause. In most cases, nausea resolves by itself, especially if relieved by throwing up.

Treatment may include plenty of fluids and a clear liquid diet. Severe nausea may require treatment with medications.

If you feel nauseous, you are probably not interested in food or drink, although sometimes light, plain foods such as such as bread and crackers can make you feel better. Avoid any foods that have strong flavors, are very sweet, or are greasy or fried, and these may make nausea worse or even induce vomiting.

Natural remedies for nausea include ginger, ginger and peppermint tea, and bland foods which can help settle your stomach. Some people find relief from nausea by applying gentle pressure with the thumbs to the inside of the wrists.

If you are prone to nausea but otherwise healthy, avoid activity after eating and try to eat smaller, more frequent meals. Avoid riding in the backseat of cars of you are know you get motion sickness. If you feel a wave of nausea coming on, try to take deep, cleansing breaths and don’t think about vomiting, which can make nausea worse.

Nausea and vomiting may occur separately or together. Common causes include:

    Gastroparesis (a condition in which the muscles of the stomach wall don't function properly, interfering with digestion)
    General anesthesia
    Intestinal obstruction
    Motion sickness: First aid
    (stomach flu)
    Vestibular neuritis

