cure yeast infection in women

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Women's Health and Pregnancy

Cure yeast infection in women

Yeast infection is caused by the overproduction of yeast and its breeding ground is warm, moist areas such as a woman’s vagina. Excess of yeast is developed due to certain factors such as suppressed immune system douching, tight panties, using unclean toilets and consuming certain medications. Yeast infection can be very irritating and uncomfortable as it causes symptoms such as burning, vaginal discharge, sore affected area and pain while urinating or intercourse. Yeast infections are very common and can easily be cured using the given tips.

Medical help 

You can cure your vaginal yeast infection with antifungal creams such as  Femstat 3, lotrimin, monistat, terazol 3.  Apply these creams topically in and around the vagina or you can also use them with oral antifungal medications. Antifungal medication is available in vaginal tablet; few of them are terazol, mycostatin, Mycelex, micatin and lotrimin.  Doctors usually prefer antifungal creams to oral antifungal drugs as they have certain side effects such as- headache, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. During pregnancy, oral antifungal medications are not recommended.

You can use these creams without consulting a doctor. These over-the-counter topical creams can only be used when yeast is the main cause of infection. For any other vaginal infections such as gonorrhea, bacterial vaginosis and chlamydia, consult your doctor once.  If antifungal creams are unable to render comfort, it is better to see a doctor.

Home remedie

You can treat your yeast infection by resorting to some home remedies, which are wholly natural with no side effects. Yogurt has natural bacteria, which fights yeast so it can be applied to the infected area and can be added to your meal.  Garlic and apple-cider vinegar are potent fungal-fighters. You can consume them as well as apply them directly to the area affected.  Before applying apple-cider-vinegar, remember it will sting and in fact burn for some time but will help you a lot. You can also insert few drops of undiluted tea tree oil in your vagina for half an hour twice for two days. It is a natural antifungal and will significantly reduce the yeast infection.  Applying honey for 20 minutes, two times in a day for three days can bring surprising relief in yeast infection.

Tips to prevent yeast infection

Do not wear tight-fit panties.

Avoid wearing tight-fit jeans daily.

Use cotton clothing in place of synthetic material.

Always wear well-fitted cotton panties.

Change your panty daily.

Clean your vagina daily. Wipe vaginal area with super absorbent paper.

Change wet clothes to dry clothes.

Before sitting on the toilet seat, clean it from front to back, never do it back to front.

Never use sprays or perfumes in the genital area.

Avoid using fragrant sanitary pads.  

Women's Health and Pregnancy
