Try Out These Simple Yoga Asanas to Cure Arthritis

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Yoga is known to cure numerous diseases. Here are some asanas that can help you cure arthritis: 

Shoulder socket rotation

Stay in the elbow bending position

Make a circular movement from the shoulder joints, keeping the fingers in contact with the shoulders

Do it 10 times clockwise, then 10 times anti-clockwise

Try to make the circular movement of each elbow as large as possible, bringing the two elbows in contact with each other in front of the chest

Knee bending

Resume the base position

Bend the right leg at the knee and clasp the hands under the right thigh

Straighten the right leg without allowing the heel or toe to touch the ground

Keep the hands under the right thigh but allow the arms to straighten

Bend the right leg as much as possible at the knee, bringing the heel near the right buttock. Repeat 10 times

Now repeat the same procedure with the left leg

Knee crank

Resume the base position

Instead of stretching the right leg, hold the thigh near the trunk and rotate the lower leg in a circular motion about the knee

Do 10 times clockwise, then 10 times anti-clockwise. Repeat the same procedure with the left leg

Wrist joint rotation

Stay in the same position as exercise 1 but with only the right hand extended

Clench the right fist and rotate it clockwise 10 times about the wrist. Then rotate the fist anti-clockwise 10 times 

Repeat the same movement with the left hand. Extend both arms in front of the body with the fists clenched

Rotate the fists together 10 times clockwise and then 10 times anti-clockwise

Dynamic spinal twist

Resume the base position

Separate the Legs as much as is comfortable

Keeping the arms straight, bring the right hand to the left big toe and stretch the left arm behind the back

Keep both arms in one straight line

Turn the head and look backwards, directing the gaze to the left hand

Turn the trunk in the opposite direction; bring the left hand to the right big toe and stretch the right arm behind you

This is one round

Repeat 10 or 20 times

At the beginning do the exercise slowly, and then gradually increase the speed


If the practitioner wishes, he can try to separate the legs further without bending them and then repeat the entire exercise.

Elbow bending

Maintain the same position as exercise 13 but hold both arms outstretched with the hands open and the palms uppermost

Bend both arms at the elbows, touch the shoulders with the fingers, then straighten the arms again. Repeat this exercise 10 times

Elbow bending

Perform the same exercise but with the arms extended sideways

Do 10 times

Ankle Rotation

Remain in the base position as in exercise 1

Separate the legs, keeping them straight

Keep the heels in contact with the floor

Rotate the right foot clockwise about the ankle 10 times

Rotate the right foot in the same way but anti-clockwise 10 times

Repeat the same procedure with the left foot. Then rotate both feet together

Ankle Crank

Assume the base position

Place the right ankle on the left thigh

With the assistance of the left hand, rotate the right foot clockwise 10 times, then anticlockwise 10 times

Repeat the same procedure with the left foot

