13 Amazing Health Benefits Of Soybeans

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13 Amazing Health Benefits Of Soybeans
soya beans health benefits
KayaWell Expert
  • If you are a health freak, we are sure you love your Tofus. But do you know that Tofus are made from dried Soybeans? All the energy that Tofu has to offer comes from nothing else but Soybeans. 

    The next time you're at the grocery store, be sure to stock up on some soybeans. Why? Because they are complete proteins and soybeans' benefits are hard to ignore.

    In this post, we'll explore 13 health benefits of soybeans.
  • What are Soybeans?

    Soybeans are legumes (a type of bean)and are among the oldest cultivated crops in the world. They are commonly eaten either as whole beans or ground into flour. Ground soybeans are called "tofu."

    The health benefits of soy can be found in many processed foods, including bread, crackers, chips, cookies, and meat substitutes. People in some countries also use Soybean cooking oil.

    Types of Soybeans

    There are two types of soybeans: dry beans and green soybeans. Dry beans are harvested at full maturity, while green soybeans are still tender and immature.

    ●       Dry Soybeans

    The most common soybean variety is the dry bean, harvested at full maturity. Other varieties of dry beans include black soybeans, brown soybeans, lima beans, mung beans, navy beans, pinto beans, red kidney beans, and yellow soybeans.

    ●       Green Soybeans

    Green soybeans are harvested before they turn mature. They are sometimes called edamame or Japanese soybeans.

    Nutritional Value of Soybeans

    Soybeans are high in protein. They are super rich in fiber but low in fat. One cup of cooked soybeans provides about 8 grams of dietary fiber and 2 grams of fat. They also contain a good amount of iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and vitamins B1, B2, & E. 

    Here are some soybean nutrition facts:

    • One cup of cooked soybeans contains about 25 grams of protein.

    • One cup of raw soybeans contains approximately 6 grams of fiber.

    • One cup contains 20 milligrams of iron, 90% of the recommended intake of zinc, copper, and manganese, and 40% of the recommended amount of iodine.

    13 Health Benefits of Soybeans

    Now that we know about soybeans' nutrition let's explore its health benefits.

    1. Soybeans Are Packed with Healthy Protein

    Soybeans are a nutritional powerhouse, offering a range of health benefits worth exploring. For starters, soybeans are a complete protein, containing all the essential amino acids your body needs. They're also packed with fiber, iron, magnesium, and potassium.

    2. Soybeans Are Great For Your Heart

    Soybeans should be a part of your diet if you're looking for ways to improve your heart health. Healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, are abundant in soybeans.

    Soybeans are also low in calories and cholesterol-free, making them a healthy choice for people with blood pressure and heart problems.

    3. Soybeans Can Help You Lose Weight

    Soybeans are low in calories and high in fiber, which makes them the perfect food if you're trying to lose weight. They'll keep you feeling full and prevent you from overeating. Soybeans also contain healthy fats, which can help boost your metabolism and encourage weight loss.

    4. Soybeans Can Improve Your Bone Health

    Imagine if there was a food that could help improve your bone health. Wouldn't that be amazing? Well, believe it or not, soybeans can do just that.

    Soybeans contain essential nutrients for strong bones, including calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. They also contain isoflavones and plant-based estrogens that can help protect against osteoporosis.

    5. Soybeans May Reduce the Risk of Cancer

    Soybeans contain isoflavones, which are plant estrogens. And these isoflavones can help block the effects of cancer-causing substances, and they also have anti-inflammatory properties.

    6. Soybeans Can Help Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

    As one of the foods with the lowest glycemic index, soybeans prevent a sharp rise or dip in blood sugar levels.

    They have isoflavones, a class of phytoestrogen, in them. The body can utilize glucose more effectively with the aid of isoflavones. This helps maintain steady blood sugar levels and avoid spikes and dips.

    7. Soybeans Can Boost Brain Function

    That's right; soybeans are a great source of essential fatty acids that promote cognitive health. So soybeans should be on your list if you're looking for food that can help keep your brain sharp.

    8. Soybeans Can Improve Skin Health

    Soybeans are full of vitamin C, an essential nutrient for skin health. Vitamin C protects skin from the sun's harmful UV rays and helps repair damaged skin cells.

    Plus, soybeans are a good source of antioxidants, which help to protect your skin from free radicals. Unchecked free radicals damage your skin cells, leading to premature aging.

    9. Soybeans Improve Your Mood

    Eating soybeans regularly may help improve your mood. Eating soybeans may improve your mood because they contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with happiness and calmness.

    10. Reduce Menopause Symptoms

    Many women experience menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes and night sweats. Soy beans contain genistein, a type of phytoestrogen, which may decrease estrogen production in the body. Because soybeans contain less estrogen than meat does, they may provide relief for menopausal symptoms.

    11. Soybeans are Gluten-free

    Gluten gives grains their elasticity and makes them sticky. This quality is desirable for making bread and pasta but not necessarily good for people who have sensitivities to gluten. People with celiac disease cannot digest gluten at all, while those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity may experience bloating, gas, and diarrhea after consuming gluten.

    12. Soybeans are Hypoallergenic

    In addition to being gluten-free, soybeans are hypoallergenic. Hypoallergy means they don't cause allergic reactions. People with allergies tend to react negatively to foods they're allergic to, including soybeans. So soybeans may be a good option if you're looking to avoid allergens.

    13. Soybeans Can Improve Gut Health

    Soybeans are packed with fiber, which promotes regularity and keeps your gut bacteria healthy.

    That's not all, though. Additionally, oligosaccharides, a type of carbohydrate, are found in soybeans. Because oligosaccharides work as prebiotics, they feed the good bacteria in your gut and support its health.

How to Eat Soybeans for Healthy Life

So, did you know about all these soya beans' health benefits? Isn't it amazing!

But how should soybeans be consumed?

Cooking soybeans is the healthiest method to consume them.

The fibers in the beans can be broken down during cooking. Follow these tips to consume Soybeans healthily:

●       To remove any dirt, soak your beans in water overnight.

●       Rinse the beans carefully after draining the water.

●       Next, boil the soybeans for ten minutes on high heat.

●       Drain the beans after removing them from the heating pot.

●       Rinse in cold water until it is comfortable to handle.

They go well with pasta dishes, soups, stir-fries, casseroles, salads, and simple rice. They can even be ground into flour and baked into bread.

How to Increase Soybeans Intake

Here's how you can increase your intake of soybeans.

1. Eat Tofu Instead of Meat

Tofu is an excellent alternative to meat because not only does it taste amazing, but it's high in protein and low in fat. If you want extra soybean goodness, try making your Tofu at home! 

2. Add Soybeans to Smoothies

Next time when you drink a delicious and nutritious fruit smoothie. Add 1 cup of cooked soybeans to it.

3. Make Bean Burgers

You don't need to use ground beef when you make these tasty bean burgers. Instead, add cooked soybeans to the regular burger mix and cook until firm.

4. Use Soy Sauce

Soy sauce is delicious on rice and noodles, but did you know it also contains soybeans? That's right; soy sauce is a mixture of soybeans!

5. Bake with Soybeans

Baking with soybeans adds flavor and texture to baked goods. Simply toss 2 cups of dried soybeans into a baking dish before cooking. 

6. Soymilk

Soymilk is an excellent replacement for dairy milk because it's lower in cholesterol and higher in protein than dairy milk.

Last but not least, if you don't prefer Soybeans alone, try foods that contain soy. And the good news is that there are tons of options. You can try:

●       Tempeh- A fermented soybean cake that has a nutty flavor and texture.

●       Miso- A salty soybean paste. It contains probiotics, good bacteria, which promote digestion and help maintain gut health.

●       Edamame- These are young soybeans. Available shelled, in the pod, fresh, or frozen; try them in salads or eat them straight.

●       Natto- A customary Japanese meal made from fermented soy. Both protein and vitamin K are abundant in it. 

Soybeans: Risk and Side Effects

Soybeans' benefits outnumber its risk and side effects by a considerable margin. Although the side effects of eating Soybeans are mild and negligible, it is still important to stay well-informed about them; there are also some misconceptions.

Constipation and diarrhea are two of soy's most frequent side effects. In persons with hyperthyroidism, soy may interfere with the medications. There is no proof; Nevertheless, that hypothyroid individuals should altogether avoid soy.

Sometimes, overeating foods that contain soy lengthens the menstrual cycle and lowers female FSH hormone levels. This has also led to a misconception that Soybeans can impair fertility. But this is untrue!

However, these side effects only occur if soy is consumed excessively and in large amounts. If eaten in moderation, there is no reason why you can't enjoy the benefits of Soybeans.

If you have any queries or concerns, consult a nutritionist or your doctor. They will be able to provide you with more helpful advice regarding soybean consumption.


Is soy good for you? We are sure you now have all the information you need to answer this question.

When it comes to your health, soybeans are food you want to be eating. They are packed with protein, fiber, and vitamins, delicious, nutritious, and provide various health benefits that are hard to beat.

So why not add the benefits of Soybeans to your diet? They're versatile ingredients that can be added to all dishes, from savory stews to sweet desserts. So go ahead and give soybeans a try!

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