Migraine: Types, Prevention, and Treatment

Migraine are a form of headache disorder that affects more than 10% of individuals worldwide. They are most common in those aged 20 to 50, and women are three times more likely than men to suffer from them.

While migraines may occur out of nowhere, there are specific factors that, if identified early enough, can help us manage migraine flare-ups successfully and efficiently. Identifying migraine symptoms, kinds, and triggers will help you manage your migraine and prevent future episodes. Keep reading this blog to learn all you need to know about migraines.

Headache vs Migraine

A migraine is NOT just a bad headache

A regular headache is usually caused by muscle or sinus tension, whereas a migraine is caused by the dilatation of blood vessels in the brain for no apparent reason.

Migraines are more severe, stay longer, and usually affect only one side of the head. Migraines rarely react to over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol or Advil. Auras, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to sounds, odors, and other sensory abnormalities are some of the additional symptoms that can accompany them.

A migraine attack can feel like lightning strikes in one region or it can be a severe, persistent discomfort all over or in specific areas.

What Type of Headache is a Migraine?

●        Migraines aren’t just a one-time occurrence. If you continue to get severe headaches, it’s possible that you’re suffering from migraine.

●        While simple pain-relievers are effective in normal headaches, the same is not true for migraine episodes. OTC pain relievers aren’t always effective.

●        The majority of migraine episodes are unilateral in nature. Migraines are frequently one-sided as a result of this. Another distinction is the level of the pain: a migraine headache causes strong, throbbing pain that makes it impossible to do daily tasks.

●        Auras are visual abnormalities that might develop before the onset of a migraine attack. Only a few people, however, have this experience.

●        Migraines are typically passed down through families. If one of your parents has them, you may inherit the genetic tendency for them.

Migraine Triggers

Experts have not yet been able to find the exact causes behind a migraine attack. However, they suspect migraines attacks as a result of abnormal activity in the brain.

The abnormal activity of the brain can be triggered by a range of triggers.

migraine types

●   Hormonal Changes: Due to fluctuating hormone levels, women may develop migraine symptoms during menstruation.

●   Emotional Triggers: A migraine episode can be triggered by stress, despair, worry, excitement, or shock.

●   Physical Causes: Migraines have been linked to fatigue and insufficient sleep, shoulder or neck stress, poor posture, and physical overexertion.

●   Triggers in the Diet: Alcohol and coffee can aggravate migraines. Chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, and foods containing the component tyramine are all foods that have this effect. Dehydration and irregular mealtimes have also been identified as potential factors.

●   Medications: Some sleeping medicines, HRT treatments, and contraceptive pills have all been identified as probable triggers.

●   Triggers in the Environment: Migraines can be triggered by flashing screens, strong odors, passive smoking, and loud noises. Rooms that are stuffy, temperature changes, and strong lights are all potential causes.

What are the Types of Migraines?

There are various forms of migraines, but not everyone will experience a ‘typical’ migraine, thus this information should only be used as a reference.

●   Migraine with Aura:  ‘Aura’ is a warning sign of a migraine. These are sensory disturbances that appear just before a migraine attack. These disturbances are characterized by flashes of light, blind spots, and other vision changes, as well as tingling in the hand or face.

●   Migraine without Aura: Migraine without aura is the most common kind of migraine. If you have a migraine without aura, you won’t get any warning signs that an episode is about to begin. You can get them as frequently as once a week or as infrequently as once a year.

●   Chronic Migraine: Chronic migraine is defined by the International Headache Society as 15 or more headaches in a month for a period of three months or longer. Chronic headaches begin with fewer headache episodes and evolve into a more consistent headache pattern.

●   Migraine with Brainstem Aura: This type of migraine originates in the bottom region of the brain, known as the brainstem. They induce dizziness, double vision, and a lack of coordination, among other symptoms. It’s a rare type of migraine that affects roughly one out of every ten people.

●   Vestibular Migraine: A vestibular migraine is a neurological system condition that causes persistent dizziness (or vertigo) in people who have previously had migraine symptoms. Unlike traditional migraines, you may not experience a headache all of the time.

●   Menstrual Migraine: Menstrual migraines, also known as hormone headaches, strike just before or during a woman’s menstruation (up to two days before and three days after) and are aggravated by movement, light, or sound.

●   Abdominal Migraine: It is characterized by attacks of stomach pain and cramping. The symptoms are similar to cyclic vomiting syndrome. As an affected individual grows older, attacks of nausea, vomiting, or stomach discomfort may be replaced by migraine headaches.

Migraine in Children

For a long time, migraine was thought to primarily affect adults. Recent research, however, has debunked this notion. 7.7% of children under the age of three suffer from migraines, which can begin as early as age three.

Nearly one-fifth of teenagers suffer from migraines. Migraine in children and adolescents is frequently misdiagnosed and undertreated. In children and teenagers, it is the most common cause of headaches.

What are the Risk Factors for Migraine?

According to the American Migraine Foundation (AMF), migraine raises the risk of heart disease. Migraine has been linked to a 50% increase in the risk of stroke.

There is increased blood flow around the brain during migraine attacks. This anomaly can result in throbbing, pulsing pain as well as other health problems.

Adverse risks of untreated migraine on the health:

●   Heart Disease.

●   High Blood Pressure.

●   Heart Abnormalities.

●   Epilepsy.

●   Depression

How are Migraines Treated?

There is currently no cure for migraines.   Medications, on the other hand, can help prevent or stop them from happening, as well as keep your symptoms from getting worse. You can also avoid migraine triggers by altering your lifestyle and eating habits.

When to See a Doctor?

Seek medical help immediately if:

●    You’re suffering from persistent headaches that won’t go away.

●    You are using OTC pain-relievers everyday for severe headaches

●    You experience three or more headaches per week, and

●    you’re dizzy and have blurred vision.

Migraines are one of a kind. It’s not the same as having a regular headache. If you’re suffering from any of the symptoms listed below see a neurologist to rule out any other probable causes.

●   One side of your head hurts

●   Throbbing or pulsing pain

●   Light and sound sensitivity

●   Nausea and vomiting for no apparent reason

●   Vision is hazy

The Bottomline

Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between a headache and migraine. This is why most people with migraine are either under-treated or undiagnosed.

Untreated migraines can cause problems with coordination, vision, language, and communication, as well as vertigo, confusion, altered wakefulness, and seizures.

Migraine headaches can be excruciating, but they aren’t always life-threatening. However, migraines can flare up anywhere anytime. In such a case, the best course of action is to seek the best medical help possible. Kayawell makes it possible for you to do exactly that.

Visit Kayawell.com now for the best migraine treatment and advice from the best health experts in your area.

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