Dark Circles Eyes

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Dark Circles Eyes

Even some of the most stunning women often have to resort to concealers and make-up to hide their dark circles. Not only do these under-eye circles make you look much older than what you actually are, but they also have you looking ill or unhealthy.Before we even begin this natural journey, let me tell you that dark circles take time to cure and require great discipline. A regular skin and health care program should be followed, by the book, so do not expect magic to happen overnight.

1. Your parents passed on bad genes.
That's right — your parents could be to blame for your dark circles. "There are hereditary conditions that run in families that can lead to darkness under the eyes," explains New York City dermatologist Dr. Bruce Katz, Director of the Juva Skin & Laser Center in New York. "This is very common in people with Mediterranean backgrounds." The good news: if it's pigmentation, there are specific lasers dermatologists can use that can help you get rid of it.
2. Eczema could be leading you to rub.
While the eczema itself may not lead to the dark circles, the constant rubbing and itching most certainly can. "Excessive rubbing can lead to increased swelling, inflammation, and broken blood vessels in the eye area, which can give the skin a dark, almost bruised appearance," says dermatologist Dr. David E. Bank, Director at The Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic & Laser Surgery in Mt. Kisco, NY.
3. Allergies can make you itchy.
Skin conditions like eczema aren't the only health concern that can cause your under eye woes. "Allergies often trigger histamines in the body which cause blood vessels to dilate," explains Dr. Bank. "Since the skin on our eyelid and under eye area is some of the thinnest in the body, it may cause those swollen blood vessels to appear darker than the rest of the face." Long story short: Take care of those allergies ASAP, then your derm can treat the pigmentation.
4. Your makeup could be irritating you.
It seems counterintuitive — makeup is supposed to cover up those dark circles, right? But if you're using a product, whether it's a mascara, eyeshadow, or even concealer, that bugs your skin, it could be leading to worsened circles. "Some people develop allergic reactions to makeup, and they get circles from the irritation, rubbing, and scratching," warns Dr. Katz. If you notice your eyes are looking a little rough after using that trendy new eyeliner, perhaps steer clear.
5. Your bone structure could be to blame.
Surprisingly, your circles could have nothing to do with your actual skin — it could simply be the way your face is shaped. "When people have deep tear troughs under their eyes, the shadowing and indentation can cause the appearance of darkness, but it's not actually from pigment or veins," says Dr. Katz. If this is your personal dilemma, Dr. Katz says fillers from a certified pro can even out the eye area.

1. Almond Oil
A completely natural ingredient that benefits skin around your eyes, almond oil helps lighten dark circles. Combine almond oil with vitamin E oil and your dark circles will be history. Plus, these ingredients really something that’s a staple in every household.
Before hitting the sack, apply some almond oil over your dark circles and massage it gently into the skin.
Leave the oil on overnight.
Wash it off with cold water next morning.
Repeat this every day until your dark circles are gone.
2. Cucumber
Remember those Hollywood movies where women are seen relaxing at a spa with cucumber slices on their eyes? Well, there’s a reason beyond gloss. With skin-lightening and mild astringent properties, cucumbers are completely equipped to fix those raccoon eyes. Better yet, they are soothing and refreshing too.
Cut a fresh cucumber into thick slices and chill it for about 30 minutes.
Place the slices on the dark circles for about 10 minutes.
Wash the area thoroughly with water.
Repeat this process twice a day for one week to see results.
3. Raw Potato
Potatoes contain vital natural bleaching agents and used raw, they help lighten dark circles and reduce excess puffiness around your eyes.
Grate a couple of chilled potatoes to extract the juice.
Soak a cotton ball in the juice and place it on your closed eyes.
Make sure the juice covers the dark circles entirely.
Allow the juice to sit for about 15 minutes and rinse your eyelids well with cool water.
Repeat once or twice daily for 2 - 3 weeks to see results.
4. Rose Water
There’s a reason mothers always advise their children to rinse their eyes with Rose Water when they’re sore. It not only rejuvenates skin and reduces dark circles but also has a soothing effect on tired eyes. Due to its mild astringent properties, it also works well as a skin toner.
Soak cotton eye pads in rose water for a few minutes.
Place the soaked pads on your closed eyelids.
Leave them on for about 15 minutes.
Follow this remedy twice daily for 2 - 3 weeks to see results.      
5. Tomato
Tomato, the fruit that’s used like a vegetable, is known to naturally possess powerful bleaching properties that can lighten skin very effectively.
Mix one teaspoon of tomato juice with one and a half teaspoon of lemon juice.
Gently apply this mixture on your dark circles and allow it to sit for 10 minutes.
Rinse it off well with cool water.fy-eyes-fast-1218720
Follow this remedy twice a day for 2 - 3 weeks to see results.



Dark Circles Eyes
