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Open Pores

The pores in the skin become open when the skin is warm or when the pore is forced open by being squeezed. Opening the pores on the face is a good thing to do during the cleansing process, which should be completed daily. The pores can be opened simply by washing the face with warm water, steaming the face in the shower, or applying a warm, damp towel to the face. Once the pores are open, the face can be cleaned in order to clear out the pores and keep the skin healthy.

After the open pores have been cleaned, they can be disinfected with an astringent, which should be applied with a cotton ball or cotton pad. Astringent is especially useful for people with acne, people with oily skin, and people whose skin gets dirty or grimy on a daily basis. It can be too irritating, however, for people with dry or sensitive skin. After the astringent is applied, the face can be rinsed with cold water, which will close the pores once again.

Everyone has open pores on their skin to some extent, however with advancing age the problem increases making it more visible, especially on your face as it is the most exposed area of the body. The enlarged pores make your skin look old and rough. Open pores on face attract people’s attention; it can also affect your self esteem.

Open Pores on Face Treatment

    There are several pore reducing toners in the market. Many of them have ingredients that clean your skin and reduce the size of pores on face.
    Microdermabrasion, chemical peels and laser resurfacing are open pores on face treatment which everyone   cannot afford. However they are also useful in improving the wrinkles, fine lines and other imperfections present on your face.

Open Pores
