Surprising mental and health benefits of laughter yoga

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Developed by Dr. Madan Kataria of Mumbai, laughter yoga is a blend of breathing techniques of yoga, laughter exercises and stretching that requires lots of fun and child-like playfulness. Laughter yoga does not require you to laugh literally, but laugh in order to exercise. Rather than losing weight, the central idea behind laughter is to feel good about yourself and your surroundings. Founder of the American School of Laughter Yoga, Sebastien Gendry said that it is the easiest form of yoga that does not require you to bend or twist. Listed below are the manifold advantages of laughter yoga.

10-15 minutes of “ho-ho ha-ha” in a day can burn up to 10— 40 calories, thus laughter yoga can be a fun remedy for people with weight issues. 

Strengthens the immune system

If you feel nauseated and drained out for most part of the day, it indicates to your poor health and vulnerability to diseases and infections. Do laughter yoga to improve your immunity and prevent a host of diseases from attacking you. Laughter yoga can be adhered to treat variety of illnesses, such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, asthma, bronchitis, mental illnesses, arthritis, menstrual disorders, migraine headache and viral infections, such as cold and cough. 

It’s a stress buster 

Stress has become the host for 70—80 per cent of diseases and accounts for maximum number of patients, thus its timely treatment is surely the need of the hour.   Indulgence in laughter yoga facilitates increased availability of oxygen to the body and the brain, making you feel rejuvenated and energetic. Regularly practice laughter yoga to get rid of physical, mental and emotional stress and balance your your personal and professional lives well. 

Feel-good factor 

Laughter yoga leads to release of feel-good hormone called endorphins. Your body naturally produces endorphins, which carries message of love and attachment and triggers feelings, such as love, care and forgiveness.  Apart from this, endorphins hormone act as a natural painkiller and stimulates positive thoughts and optimism along with self-confidence. 

Improves quality of life 

Quality of life depends on the kind of people with  whom we co-create your relationships. Laughter yoga triggers flow of positive energy and induces optimistic state of mind which helps in connecting with people and maintaining relationships. If you laugh more, your number of friends will multiply naturally. 

Anti-aging formula 

It’s an old age belief that laughter prevents onset of wrinkles and keeps skin sagging at bay by keeping facial muscles in function. Well, this is completely true. Laughter yoga aids in facial skin care and makes you feel and look younger. Laughter uses the all muscles of the face and tones them to slow the aging process and keep you young forever! 

With laughter yoga, laugh off your worries and weight!

