Here are 10 Reasons to Use Wheat Germ Oil

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Here are 10 Reasons to Use Wheat Germ Oil
health benefits of wheat germ oil, wheat germ oil side effects
KayaWell Expert
No wheat germ oil is not just another healthy essential cooking oil. Instead, it’s rarely used for cooking. In this blog, we will highlight what wheat germ oil is, how it is beneficial for health, and some tips on adding it to your diet.

What is Wheat Germ Oil?

Wheat germ oil is extracted from wheat-germ seeds. These seeds have been a staple food for humans since prehistoric times and were initially found in China over 5,000 years ago. However, they are grown using the same traditional methods in many countries, including India, Argentina, Russia, Ukraine, France, Australia, Canada, and the United States.

There are two types of wheat germ oil, namely, refined and unrefined. Unrefined wheat germ oil retains its natural, nutritious qualities, while refined wheat germ oil has been processed to remove some of its nutrients. Many people prefer unrefined wheat germ oil because it has no additives or preservatives. The best-known wheat germ oils originate from the states of California, Illinois, and Minnesota.

How is Wheat Germ Oil Produced?

Two oils are extracted from wheat seeds - endosperm oil and germ oil. Wheat germ oil is extracted from wheat seeds (wheat grains) using cold pressing methods.

Extracting wheat germ oil begins with the milling of whole wheat grains. Next, the grain is cracked open and separated into different parts - the bran layer, the endosperm layer, and the germ layer. The germ is collected separately, pressed out of the whole grain, and turned into oil.

Nutritional Value of Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat Germ Oil (WGO) is rich in vitamins A, D, E, and K and omega-3 fatty acids. WGO contains high amounts of vitamin E WGO is also high in zinc. As per USDA, one tablespoon of wheat germ oil contains:

●   Calories: 120

●   Fat: 14g

●   Sodium: 0mg

●   Carbohydrates: 0g

●   Fiber: 0g

●   Sugars: 0g

●   Protein: 0g

10 Best Benefits of Wheat Germ Oil

Given how nutrient-dense WGO is, it should be no surprise that it has many health advantages. Here's a look at the 10 most prominent wheat germ oil health benefits.

1. Fights Against Cell Damage

Wheat germ oil contains high antioxidants, specifically vitamin E and beta-carotene. These two substances help prevent free radicals from damaging cells and DNA. Free radicals are created naturally by the body, but they have been linked to numerous aging symptoms. We improve our body's ability to fight off these harmful molecules by using wheat germ oil.

2. Reduces Diabetes Risks

Wheat germ oil can help stabilize blood sugar, which reduces the risk of diabetes.

It contains monounsaturated fats, which have been shown to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) while increasing good cholesterol (HDL). Additionally, it lowers excess cholesterol levels by helping keep the digestive system working optimally.

3. Excellent for Skin/Hair/Nails

Many people use wheat germ oil for its anti-aging effects. This is due to wheat germ oil's antioxidant content, which fights free radical damage. Additionally, it contains omega fatty acids, which help boost the immune system and protect skin cells. When applied topically, wheat germ oil speeds up wound healing and promotes healthier skin. You can even apply it directly to your hair to promote stronger strands.

4. Treats Eczema

Eczema is an inflammatory condition where the skin becomes red and irritated. In some cases, Eczema may lead to dryness and cracks. Wheat germ oil can treat Eczema by treating inflammation and moisturizing dry skin. Simply rub some onto affected areas to relieve itching and discomfort.

5. Aids Digestion

Using wheat germ oil has many health benefits, including treating diarrhea and aiding digestion. Also, it can aid in bile production, which breaks down toxins in the liver.

6. Relieves Constipation

Adding wheat germ oil to your diet is a great way to get rid of Constipation. It works by relaxing intestinal muscles and stimulating peristalsis, which causes stool to move through the colon. As a result, it can help eliminate painful bowel movements and increase fecal output.

7. Helps Prevent Cancer

The anticancer properties of wheat germ oil make it an excellent remedy for cancer patients.f Studies show that it may slow tumor growth in breast cancer patients and check the formation of blood clots.

8. Boosts Immunity

Wheat germ oil contains high amounts of vitamins A, D, E, K, B12, folic acid, biotin, vitamin B6, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. These nutrients are essential for keeping the body's Immunity working at optimal level 24*7. Adding this superfood to your diet protects you against seasonal flu, normal cold cough, and other illnesses.

9. Reduces Bad Cholesterol

Wheat germ oil is rich in phytosterols, which have been proven to help lower bad cholesterol levels in the body. Phytosterols prevent intestinal receptors from absorbing harmful cholesterol. As a result, Your risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease may be reduced. Wheat germ oil also contains healthy trans fats known to improve heart health.

10. Fights Fat Accumulation

If you have a sedentary lifestyle. Wheat germ oil could be your best friend for life. It is a fat-fighter and, when used regularly, helps reduce the body's extra fat. Moreover, wheat germ oil will help you get noticeable results fast if you are on a weight loss journey.

Side Effects and Risk of Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat germ oil should not be taken internally without medical supervision due to its high concentration of vitamin A. Excessive consumption of wheat germ oil may cause liver damage.

In addition, wheat germ oil is known to stimulate the production of prostaglandins, hormones that play a role in inflammation. Taking wheat germ oil along with aspirin may increase the risk of bleeding.

The following factors increase the risk of bleeding when taking wheat germ oil:

●   Pregnancy

●   Liver disease

●   Overactive thyroid gland

●   Recent surgery, and

●   Severe ulcers

Allergic Reactions of Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat germ oil can cause allergic reaction symptoms, including itching, redness, swelling, and eczema-like rashes. If you have any of these symptoms after using wheat germ oil, stop using them immediatel and consult your doctor.

How to use Wheat Germ Oil for better health benefits?

Wheat germ oil has many uses and is highly versatile. There are many delicious ways to add wheat germ oil to your diet.

1 - You can use wheat germ oil for salad dressing

Utilizing wheat germ oil as a salad dressing is the simplest way to enjoy all its health benefits. Just a teaspoon will add delicious flavors and a truckload of nutrition to your salad.

Adding raw wheat germ to hot or cold cereal or yogurt is another popular way to consume it. As you prepare muffins, casseroles, or pancakes, you may also add them to them. Wheat germ can even be added to dishes like meatloaf and smoothies.

It is not a good idea to cook because the heat makes the food lose its nutritional value. So it is not advised to fry using wheat germ oil.

2 - Using wheat germ oil in beauty products

Another great way to use wheat germ oil is to incorporate it into your beauty routine. Because it has anti-inflammatory characteristics, it can help treat minor skin conditions like acne and dermatitis. It can moisturize dry skin and protect it from sun damage.

3- Putting wheat germ oil on your hair and nails

You can also put wheat germ oil on your scalp and nails. First, warm about half a cup of olive oil in a small pan over low heat. Once the oil starts to bubble, add two tablespoons of wheat germ oil. Put the lid on the pan and let the mixture sit for five minutes. Remove from the stove and allow the mixture to cool completely before applying.


We have more or less discussed everything that you need to know about wheat germ oil.

Here's a small recap:

Wheat germ oil (WGO) is an excellent addition to any kitchen pantry! Not only does wheat germ oil offer some great nutritional benefits, but its high content of Omega-3 fatty acids makes WGO an excellent dietary supplement for humans.

Just two tablespoons of WGO daily to our diets can benefit our immune system, digestive systems, skin, hair, brain, eyes, joints, muscles, and nervous system.

So are you going to add wheat germ oil to your diet?Liver diseaseLiver disease

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