9 Amazing Health Benefits of Wheat Germ

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9 Amazing Health Benefits of Wheat Germ
health benefits of wheat germ, wheat germ health benefits
KayaWell Expert
  • Wheat Germ is among the most popular superfoods today.  In this blog, you can read all about the benefits of wheat germ for your health.
    • Wheat Germ: Know What it Is

      Germ is the tiniest and the innermost part of the wheat kernel. It is also the bearer of the wheat embryo, which gives birth to a new wheat plant over time. It is, therefore, the wheat's most nutrient-dense component.

      Nutrition Fact in Wheat Germ 

      As already discussed, Wheat Germ packs a punch regarding healthy nutrients. A two-teaspoon of wheat germ amounts to roughly:

          • 45 calories
          • 1 gram of unsaturated fat,
          • 2 grams of dietary fiber,
          • 10% of  the daily folate intake,
          • 8% of daily phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc intakes,
          • 15% of daily vitamin E needs, and
          • 10% of daily thiamin needs.

      9 Health Benefits of Wheat Germ

      We already know that a wheat germ is an incredible storehouse of healthy nutrients. Let’s now look at some of the fantastic health benefits of wheat germ:

      1. Boosts Immune System

      Do you have frequent, continuous sickness? Your immunity will quickly improve if you include wheat grams in your diet. Since free radicals and other disease-causing germs are stimulated by the high levels of antioxidants found naturally in wheat germ, the likelihood of developing severe sickness is decreased or eliminated.

      2. Reduces Anxiety and Stress

      Feel low and anxious too often? How about trying wheat germs for a change?

      It’s an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids- the attitude to ALL your mood swings and nervousness. Eating wheat germs regularly lowers anxiety levels and improves mood.

      3. Prevents Cancer

      This has to be the wheat germ's most significant health benefit. Vitamin A and D-rich wheat germ can be used to treat colon and skin cancer. Studies claim that consuming a specific fermented wheat germ extract (Avemar) once or twice daily for at least six months while receiving chemotherapy helps lower mortality risk and prevents cancer from worsening or spreading.

      4. Benefits of Wheat Germ Oil for Anti-aging

      Wheat germ significantly impacts anti-aging aspects like hair loss and skin health because it is rich in vitamins and nutrients. Wheat Germ  Oil extracts soften and promote skin flexibility while protecting and hydrating the skin. The Oil's anti-aging characteristics enable the skin to prevent wrinkles. and soothe dry skin.

      When applied regularly, the oil’s proteins and vitamins can help patients with psoriasis, sunburn, dermatitis, wrinkles, a dull complexion, and receding hair lines.

      5. Improves Stamina

      Although there is still much to learn about this subject, several studies have suggested that wheat germs are a natural energy and performance enhancer. They contain a lot of octacosanols, which boost stamina and performance. Health experts do not entirely back this assertion in light of limited scientific evidence. Nevertheless, octacosanol is employed in managing several conditions, including high cholesterol, ALS, Parkinson's disease, and Lou Gehrig's disease.

      6. Improves Cellular Metabolism 

      Wheat germs are also a good source of Vitamin-B group nutrients. Niacin, thiamine, and folates are the most prevalent kinds found in wheat germ. These vitamins are essential for cellular metabolism because they aid in converting nutrients like glucose, lipids, and dietary lipids into cellular energy that cells can use. Additionally, thiamine can combat metabolic diseases, including persistent obesity.

      7. Strengthens The Muscles

      Wheat germ is one of the best protein sources, and protein has a long list of health benefits. The body needs protein to maintain healthy muscles, repair injured tissues, control energy levels, maintain homeostasis, and maintain overall system balance. People who want to lose weight and build more muscle should add wheat germs part of their diet plan.

      8. Excellent Nutrition For Kids

      Given its nutrient-dense makeup, wheat germ is a fantastic food option for infants and young children. And they go perfectly well with yogurt, fruit, and vegetable purees. So there's nothing complicated about its preparation.

      Furthermore, wheat germ has a lot of folic acids, which is crucial for pregnant women to have a healthy baby. Neural tube abnormalities and other issues are considerably less likely in children born to mothers with adequate folate levels in their bodies.

      9. Prevents Diabetes

      Wheat germ has a lot of dietary fiber. Fiber is your friend if you have diabetes or prediabetes since it aids in controlling your weight and blood sugar levels.

      Additionally, the amino acid "homocysteine" is known to raise blood sugar levels. Folic acid is present in very high concentrations in wheat germ. So folic acids from wheat germs also help break down homocysteine"  into other compounds that your body needs. Lower homocysteine level in the bloodstream reduces your risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

      Wheat Germs Use in Daily Life

      There is no specific daily guideline for wheat germ. To avoid potential issues, you might need to start with a tiny portion, like one tablespoon daily. As your body adjusts, you can progressively increase your consumption. There are numerous methods to include it in your diet, and you can also eat it raw. 

      Adding raw wheat germ to hot or cold cereal or yogurt is a typical way to consume it. For kids and children, you can add them to muffins, casseroles, or pancakes during preparation as well. If you love smoothies, there is no harm in adding a teaspoon of  Wheat germ to them. It will be the perfect combo of taste and healthfulness.

      Wheat Germs Use in Daily Life

      Although wheat germ possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, its high fiber content leads to digestive problems like bloating and diarrhea after excessive consumption and stomach cramps.

      Some people may have minor adverse effects from wheat germ extract. These include gas, bloating, diarrhea, and dizziness.

      Key Takeaways

      By now, we are sure you are well aware of the various health benefits of wheat germ. However, please keep in mind that the effect of wheat germs on our overall is still a topic of research. So, consult your dietician and doctor once before using wheat germ for any of the health benefits listed in this article. Use our platform if you are unsure of who to contact. On our platform, we have hundreds of highly rated dieticians. Book an appointment online now.

      Wheat Germs FAQs

      Should you eat wheat germ if you are gluten intolerant?

      For those who are gluten intolerant, wheat germ is an absolute no-no. Wheat germ supplements should not be taken as supplements or raw by anyone with a gluten allergy as they contain gluten.

      Should people on low-carb diets eat wheat germ?

      Yes! Wheat germs are permitted on low-carb diets, but only in moderation. Remember that one cup of white germs has over 60 grams of carbohydrates. So plan your intake accordingly.

      Can you overeat wheat germ? 

      Because of the increased fiber in your diet, large quantities of wheat germ are likely to irritate your digestive system. So overeating is ideally not advised. As far as possible, stick to a moderate portion and keep track of your daily fiber intake.

      Is wheat germ good for high cholesterol?

      Phytosterols, which are compounds that aid in reducing cholesterol absorption, are present in wheat germ. They can prevent your intestines from absorbing harmful cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease.

