Tips to Get Rid of Blackheads

Tips to Get Rid of Blackheads KayaWell Expert

Tips to Get Rid of Blackheads

Blackheads are among the most prevalent forms of acne. Though blackheads are more vulnerable to people who have oily skin, anyone can get them. Unlike whiteheads, which create closed pores, blackheads have open surfaces, creating dark-colored oxidation.Here we are discussing the 10 tips to get rid of the blackheads.

These tips can be helpful to get rid of blackheads:

1. Green Tea

Here we are not talking about drinking green tea but we are talking about apply it on face. It will help reduce oil production of skin and works as a great antioxidant. 

How to Use

Take one tablespoon of water and one teaspoon of dry green tea leaves.

Mix it well and massage it into the affected areas for 5 minutes.

After that, rinse it and apply a moisturizer. 

You can use this two or three days a week.

Read Also: 10 Easy Home Remedies for Acne

2. Cornstarch and Vinegar

The vinegar fades the discoloration happened by the blackheads, while the cornstarch absorbs the excess oil. For the best results use this two-three times a week.

How to Use

Take one tablespoon of cornstarch and mix in vinegar until the mixture forms a thick paste. 

Apply on the affected area and leave it for 20 minutes. 

Wash your face with warm water then apply cold water or an ice cube to close the pores.

3. Salt and Toothpaste

It's a cheap and worthwhile way to pluck the stubborn blackheads of the nose. The application of deep toothpaste cleanses the pores by drawing out blackheads. In the toothpaste, the mint helps to open the pores of the skin and eliminate bacteria. Salt has antiseptic properties that help to exfoliate the skin and get rid of dead skin

How to Use

Mix the toothpaste and salt well to form a thin paste.

Apply this paste on the nose and leave it for 5 minutes to dry.

Dab a little water when dry, then softly rub in a circular motion.

Once the paste is off the nose, rub ice cubes to close the skin pores. You can use this mixture twice a week.

Read Also: Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

4. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a good exfoliating agent that also works wonders in balancing your skin's ph value. So go ahead and use a little of this magic ingredient to get rid of clogged pores on your skin. But carefully use baking soda, as it can strip all the oil and make your skin dry.

How to Use

Use one part of baking soda and mix it with water. The consistency of this should be a thick paste. 

Now gently use this paste and massage it into your skin in circular motion. 

Rinse your face with water and pat dry with a clean face towel. 

Use little bit of moisturizer on your face to that it is not dry.

5. Cinnamon Powder

This treatment may be used to avoid blackheads and even to cure them. Cinnamon helps close the pores and allow blood supply easier. Lemon juice has antibacterial effects that help protect off acne, blackheads, and whiteheads.

How to Use

Begin by mixing the cinnamon powder and lemon juice a tablespoon. You can apply a tablespoon of turmeric powder to that too.

Apply this paste 10-15 minutes on the affected area. 

Wash it out with simple water.

Read Also: Best Home remedies for Oily Skin

6. Use pore strips once or twice a week

Pore strips can help provide rapid enhancement for blocked pores. But pore strips will dry your skin and so you can use them only once or twice a week.

How to Use 

Wash your face with soap and lukewarm water. 

Wet your nose properly and apply the strip. 

Let the strip dry for around 10-15 minutes until the stiff to the touch. 

The strip and the blackheads are gently stripped with.

Should not include acne blemishes or bloated, sunburned, overly dry skin or skin vulnerable to spinal veins

7. Charcoal Mask

Activated charcoal is capable of absorbing a vast number of compounds. While, it can help overcome the loosening of the soil and contaminants by clogging the pores, making it easier to clear blackheads. There is no evidence, however, that activated charcoal's topical use has any skin benefits.

How to Use

Mix the gelatin water and for 10 to 15 seconds heat the mixture. 

Add the activated charcoal as the gelatin paste thickens, then mix properly. 

Add the paste on the affected area let it dry. 

Peel the dry charcoal mask from your nose and properly wash your face. This mask is used 1 to 2 days a week.

Read Also: Acne- Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies

8.  Lemon Honey Mask

A quick and successful way of getting rid of the gross blackheads is to use a clear lemon-honey mask. The astringent properties of lemon expand the obstructed pores while honey with its antibacterial properties preserves the bacterial activity that induces blackheads in the bay.

How to Use

Take half a teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice and mix it well. 

Apply it on to affected area. 

Leave it for 15 minutes. 

Once it dries, wash it off with warm water. 

For best result, repeat 3-4 times in a week.

9. Turmeric And Coconut Oil

Turmeric possesses potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. There are so many Health benefits of Coconut oil to keep the skin soothes and hydrates; a match made in heaven. This is one of the easiest home remedies for out there blackheads.

How to Use

Mix one tablespoon of turmeric with coconut oil to form a smooth paste. 

Dab the paste on the concerned areas and let it works its magic for 10 to 15 minutes. 

Rinse with lukewarm water.

Read Also: Health Benefits of Turmeric

10. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are high in vitamin c and a and have skin brightening properties that absorb oil and shrink pore. This is particularly good for people with oily skin because tomato pulp efficiently cleans the extra grease without being harsh. 

How to Use

Take a tomato and cut in round slices. 

Rub a slice on your affected area. 

Or, you can apply tomato pulp on your skin and when it dries wash it off with water.

